DBAY - Doing Business as Yourself
~What might/does/can Living AND Doing Business as Yourself look like for you?~

DBAY (Doing Business as Yourself) is a Planet Andrea breakout room for people who are into living their Human Design experiment who also want to explore possibilities for how to navigate that in a world that maybe isn't ready for you to be that.

I (Andrea) & whoever else steps through this portal are here to brainstorm that w/you & guide you on the tech bits.

Primary Goal: Success, Satisfaction, Peace &/or Delight
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Your Human Design Mission Statement - Workshop 2.0

How do you explain what you're here to Be in this world?

Really, the question usually comes more like, "and so ... what is it you do?"

Worst question ever for some of our undefined centers. The G Center in particular ...

Perhaps it's my Open G (and open head lol) that lead me to originally explore my chart in this way - through understanding what the "end goal" of living as myself might be, how my Incarnation Cross could possibly present or at least to be able to recognize it when it began to unfold.

Regardless of how my interest came to pass [the actual backstory I share on the worksop details page - it was a wander (open G), then a bump (3rd line profile), then an invitation ("If you make it I will buy it" )] ... such was the birth of Your Human Design Mission Statement 1.0 ... that was back in 2020.

It was an exploration that really stepped up my understanding of what's in my Design (and what isn't of course) and allowed me - and the others who joined me for the first workshop of course - to lean even further into living as me, and to let go of the stuff that really isn't my lane.

The 9 Notself Saturdays project happened a couple years later. That infusion of the knowledge in the interactive and conversational way we went about it, has since served many many people and continues to be an important source of clarity for beginner and advanced beginner experimenters. I've decided to include those recordings in this 2.0 round of Your HD Mission Statement (maybe you already have access to Notself Saturday files through another program - and know how great they are - would love to hear in the comments!)

I also came to the clarity to include a product from one of my original (pre-HD) 'live life as yourself' mentors called "Secret Beliefs" - I can see in hindsight how pivotal he and his way of being were in my being able to recognize how important Human Design would be when I first bumped into it in July 2015. Secret Beliefs as he presented them are basically all those things we're programmed to believe that aren't true. Human Design is that ... but on steroids.

His work, much like my own was always a "can't unring the bell, can't unsee" flavor. He passed in 2018 and I am so glad to have been able to strike a deal with him a few years earlier to be able to include it with my own offerings.

Anyway, it's been on my Mind, now that I'm 4 years further into my experiment, to revisit the HD Mission Statement exploration process, and I know, with my Right Mind (and Markets Internal environment) that it's always more interesting with people who can hear me along for the adventure.

And finally, there's energy for it (darn emotional Authority - been sitting with it for 6 months at least, maybe more lol) - ie so far, I apparently only do this every 4 years.

So here's what we focused on in 1.0 and what we'll be dipping our toes into for 2.0 - all with an eye towards being able to answer "what is it you do?" in a way that is true to our Design and speaks directly and clearly to the people who are meant to hear it:

1.0 included:

  • Motivation
  • Sense
  • Trajectory
  • And Personality Sun

And 2.0 expands to consider things like:

  • Non-sacral definition
  • Whether you have motors defined - or not
  • Personal Authority
  • Profile (huge clues here re. methods of marketing)
  • Circuitry
  • Undefined/Open Centers
  • Voices of the Throat
  • Right or Left Mind
  • Environment (Observed/Observer)

And whatever else we discover along the way.

If this sounds like something you might be interested in playing with together, let me know and I can get details over to you today.

Fun hand-raising gifs always appreciated <3

DMs work too :)

Here's a link to my FB messenger -

Should be fun. Illuminating.

My dear friend Vanessa Wesley @Bodyvoice has been on standby all these months waiting and available to be my co-pilot in some capacity - the timing dance between Splenic and Emotional authorities ... oof ... it's a thing.

Let's see what happens next eh?

Thanks to a couple of early adopters ... I'm in motion (these pictures of Cody is how I've felt for months - it's good to have direction clarity and the energy to engage arrive) :)

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AWA Podcast 0001? - early morning thoughts on gathering and organizing content as I go

I dropped this into Planet Andrea Locals by mistake yesterday- it might be too weird for in here too - if I ever do an actual podcast for this,, might have to restart the numbers higher 😂

Anyway, here’s me waking up and talking mostly to myself yesterday morning 😜🙃

Maybe there’s a nugget or two 🤷🏻‍♀️ no promises though :)

AWA aka ‘Art With Andrea’, is one of the umbrella ideas I’m floating around with atm that cropped up as I’ve been going through the subscription box contemplation process. Even bought the domain.

This morning (as happens many mornings), I woke up with what felt like crystal clarity around how to possibly move forward with, I guess is, a Collective application (two of my channels are Collective - the conscious ones, number 3 is Tribal) of sharing the stuff that I do/ don’t do - today’s topic was art - and the way that I think about all that.

So that’s what this audio is about. The dots that connected in my head this morning in that ...

AWA Podcast #0001? - early morning thoughts on gathering and organizing content as I go
People are weird

Thought this thread was fascinating - here’s the original comment thread:


While the email is just a waste of everyone’s time, the difference in approaches and having HD awareness now …

I’m reading the comments with that filter … undefined ego, defined ego (or healthy undefined ego), undefined solar plexus — are the top three that feel glaring to me.

Money is such an easy place to notice these things.

My guess is that the writer of the email is undefined ego and defined solar plexus… oh and also a projector 🤭

You have any takeaways?

Of course, I would do best to sleep on making any moves first if it were sent to me - because emotional Authority 🤓

A note from Marlon Sanders OG

This dude helped form part of my copywriting foundation both directly and through other people I learned from who learned from him -

“How can a letter riddled with typos make $24,000 from one Facebook post?

So one time Frank Kern posted to his Facebook that my Book of Secrets sales page (new at the time) was the best he'd read in a long, long time.


Yet, it was riddled with typos. OMG his Facebook blew up with people denouncing the letter. Whilst it sold $24,000 from his post, best as I can recall.

My Amazing Formula sales letter had typos I didn't fix for 3 years. I don't have all the numbers. But taking into account the back end, I'd imagine it sold a million or close to it in that time period.

My rule of thumb is that if it's raining money, don't touch it. You screw more stuff up by "fixing it" than you do leaving it alone.

My wife informs me the same rule of thumb doesn't apply round the house!

I'm not advocating typos. I advocate speed over perfection.

So yesterday an old friend made a comment that my post couldn't have been made by a.i.

Because. of. ...

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ChatGPT gets snarky

Hahahaha, I just spotted this question in an art group and thought it was so appropriate for understanding ‘value’ at a foundation level.

I run into so many people who would happily eat up my day and be ever so thankful once they’re done. 🙄

Shocker they often also don’t consider/value their own time and energy either.

Of course there’s other important value to consider beyond this trading time thing … :)

The original post is in the screenshot below 👇🏽

And here’s one commenter - sounds like a bitter projector 😂

I asked ChatGPT for some tactful responses, and then I asked, "Now make them snarky." The snarky responses are much more fun, so I thought I'd share them here. Lol!

"Wow, it’s such an honor to be chosen as your free labor! Sadly, my bills don’t have the same level of admiration for me, so I’ll need to charge my regular rates."

"Oh, sure! Let me just check if the gas station will fill my tank for free because we’re such good friends. Spoiler ...

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