DBAY - Doing Business as Yourself
~What might/does/can Living AND Doing Business as Yourself look like for you?~

DBAY (Doing Business as Yourself) is a Planet Andrea breakout room for people who are into living their Human Design experiment who also want to explore possibilities for how to navigate that in a world that maybe isn't ready for you to be that.

I (Andrea) & whoever else steps through this portal are here to brainstorm that w/you & guide you on the tech bits.

Primary Goal: Success, Satisfaction, Peace &/or Delight
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There’s some heel dragging going on … and I have my suspicions.

Big sigh … recovery from the over extension I wrote about last post continues. It’s crazy how quickly that can get me and I’m always surprised at how much recovery time is really needed.

Oh I haven’t been entirely idle or anything, but it feels more like the over extending pulled me (perhaps via my open head) away from my own life and into the concerns of others - and it can be hard (or maybe just take longer than my Mind is appreciating lol) to come back to center.

So - 4 days in a row is too much ✅

This week(ish) so far I’ve had a Saturday zoom with a private client, Sunday I discovered that a the local print shop that’s mainly in business to serve the University was open, so I went to explore that as an option (nearby guy seems well meaning but MG level busy - always tightly scheduled and running around - maybe when I’m through testing and have lots of copies to be made, I can revisit … he is cheaper 🤷🏻‍♀️)

The trip on Sunday was a joy. I think, because it was a Sunday morning, and I went fairly early, it was empty, I could ask all my bazillion questions and the gal who was helping me was down to play with the printing a bit.

We settled on what’s essentially like a thick watercolor paper. All the prints came out a bit dark (more file fiddling to come I suppose - or maybe not 🤷🏻‍♀️🙃) but I’m happy with them. They feel like “art” now and not just a piece of paper from a copy machine, if that makes any sense?

There’s also a sushi place right next to the printer in the same building - basically the printer has its own mini food court ❤️ - so I had lunch too 😊

Monday, I happened to semi-invite myself over to Aleda’s again - wasn’t looking to, it happened in our conversation about something else. Hmm I think she called me, but I can’t remember exactly right now, anyway - it turned out she’s taken the whole week off (she needed to regroup for upcoming wedding stuff - Monday she was hand addressing her invitations) and our call turned into “you bring Quiche fixings, I’ll make ‘em” - which of course I jumped at.

She made enough for me to bring 3 home - which we’re still eating 🥰 and got her invitations finished too. A hilarious side observation of me however was how “headless chicken” my energy was all day. Not in an exhausting way but omg I had parts all over the place and kept forgetting things - it was like I took on the chaotic MG stuff and she (Quad right) got to focus.

Was a fun day 🥰. Which culminated in my car needing a jumpstart (it really was one of those days lolol - so much “went wrong” - we just laughed a lot) and ate yummy quiche. We settled on Gouda, sautéed onions with garlic, spinach and diced ham for the fillings of all 4 - to save time.

I guess I can explain these pictures now too (I may use for a FB post later, apologies in advance for not having more to share - it always fees like the ones in here oughta be exclusive or something)

I got a clue as I was preparing the files for 8x8 prints to add a strip at the bottom of just a patterned section of each flower. Maybe I’ll take a picture when it’s daylight here and show you what I mean.

My thought was to have custom art to make earrings and pendants with (I have a paper punch heading my way to play with that) … but when I’d added them, they looked like bookmarks. So Sunday, I added these 8x8’s “plus bookmark” to the test prints pile.

Turned out I should have trimmed the prints at the print shop because the watercolor paper only came in a 13x19in sheet and when I got it home - duh 🙄 - my (ancient) 12in paper cutter won’t hack it (hahaha hack it, get it 😆🤭. I have a new 18” one arriving today 🥳).

So I hand cut the ‘bookmark’ part off so I could shorten the paper and also begin to consider what those pieces might turn into.

Well, I took them with me on Monday to show Aleda and she immediately claimed one as her own. Ironically (as always happens - I learned long ago that what I like and what people would buy, well after decades of jewelry sales, I know enough to always expand my color palette a bit), it’s from one of the two flowers I would never have made were I only using colors I prefer.

And just look at how beautifully it matches her book 🤩😍

Yesterday, as with all of the days since that 4day over extension last week, I’d thought I could get around to making more progress on the website for the free print offer, but it wasn’t to be (this is where my heel-dragging comment at the beginning of this comes in) … I think I could be struggling a bit with all the Left Mind tasks and have simply been more easily doing other stuff - it might be time to ask for help 🤦🏻‍♀️🥳.

Because Tuesday (yesterday), when Aleda came over in the morning to return my phone (yes that was the icing on top of the chaotic, but untiring, day we spent together - I left my phone behind 😅) … John was also home and while we were visiting, I brought the bookmarks to them (that’s what grabbed my attention first thing the next morning and I was playing with finishes outdoors - sinky stuff!) … and John adds in …. “those would be even nicer with a grommet”. So now my open head is all the way in this bookmark idea … and I kinda love it.

Which brings us to today.

The “plan” is to make some kind of progress towards a functioning cart on the website, so people can begin ordering prints already.

And my new paper cutter is expected (who knew I could be so excited about a paper cutter! 😆🤭 but I am), so once that’s here … well, I guess we know how the rest of the day is likely to go 😊

Ahhh yeah … so that’s what life’s been like over here. With some bare bones animal care (oof the dogs are so bored), still plenty of resting happening, with minimal grocery shopping, dishwashing and whatnot mixed in.

It’s a simple life … 😌🙂

Looking forward to whatever happens next 🍿

Quiche for breakfast at the very least.

What’s been cooking on your end? :)

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AWA Podcast 0001? - early morning thoughts on gathering and organizing content as I go

I dropped this into Planet Andrea Locals by mistake yesterday- it might be too weird for in here too - if I ever do an actual podcast for this,, might have to restart the numbers higher 😂

Anyway, here’s me waking up and talking mostly to myself yesterday morning 😜🙃

Maybe there’s a nugget or two 🤷🏻‍♀️ no promises though :)

AWA aka ‘Art With Andrea’, is one of the umbrella ideas I’m floating around with atm that cropped up as I’ve been going through the subscription box contemplation process. Even bought the domain.

This morning (as happens many mornings), I woke up with what felt like crystal clarity around how to possibly move forward with, I guess is, a Collective application (two of my channels are Collective - the conscious ones, number 3 is Tribal) of sharing the stuff that I do/ don’t do - today’s topic was art - and the way that I think about all that.

So that’s what this audio is about. The dots that connected in my head this morning in that ...

AWA Podcast #0001? - early morning thoughts on gathering and organizing content as I go
People are weird

Thought this thread was fascinating - here’s the original comment thread:


While the email is just a waste of everyone’s time, the difference in approaches and having HD awareness now …

I’m reading the comments with that filter … undefined ego, defined ego (or healthy undefined ego), undefined solar plexus — are the top three that feel glaring to me.

Money is such an easy place to notice these things.

My guess is that the writer of the email is undefined ego and defined solar plexus… oh and also a projector 🤭

You have any takeaways?

Of course, I would do best to sleep on making any moves first if it were sent to me - because emotional Authority 🤓

A note from Marlon Sanders OG

This dude helped form part of my copywriting foundation both directly and through other people I learned from who learned from him -

“How can a letter riddled with typos make $24,000 from one Facebook post?

So one time Frank Kern posted to his Facebook that my Book of Secrets sales page (new at the time) was the best he'd read in a long, long time.


Yet, it was riddled with typos. OMG his Facebook blew up with people denouncing the letter. Whilst it sold $24,000 from his post, best as I can recall.

My Amazing Formula sales letter had typos I didn't fix for 3 years. I don't have all the numbers. But taking into account the back end, I'd imagine it sold a million or close to it in that time period.

My rule of thumb is that if it's raining money, don't touch it. You screw more stuff up by "fixing it" than you do leaving it alone.

My wife informs me the same rule of thumb doesn't apply round the house!

I'm not advocating typos. I advocate speed over perfection.

So yesterday an old friend made a comment that my post couldn't have been made by a.i.

Because. of. ...

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ChatGPT gets snarky

Hahahaha, I just spotted this question in an art group and thought it was so appropriate for understanding ‘value’ at a foundation level.

I run into so many people who would happily eat up my day and be ever so thankful once they’re done. 🙄

Shocker they often also don’t consider/value their own time and energy either.

Of course there’s other important value to consider beyond this trading time thing … :)

The original post is in the screenshot below 👇🏽

And here’s one commenter - sounds like a bitter projector 😂

I asked ChatGPT for some tactful responses, and then I asked, "Now make them snarky." The snarky responses are much more fun, so I thought I'd share them here. Lol!

"Wow, it’s such an honor to be chosen as your free labor! Sadly, my bills don’t have the same level of admiration for me, so I’ll need to charge my regular rates."

"Oh, sure! Let me just check if the gas station will fill my tank for free because we’re such good friends. Spoiler ...

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