As I begin to guide/attract/invite people into the -DBAY | Clarity- project …
(Doc with more properly organized details, ideally gets accomplished soon - we shall see. Also, a couple of earlybird spots remain atm 🤷🏻♀️ - maybe one is yours? 🤔).
Earlybirds, it turns out, don’t need all the details all neat and tidy, they have their Authority, have already received enough Unexpercted value, and can easily recognize whether any offer I might find myself experimenting with is for them.
And for that we can all be so so grateful - they are the grease for the wheels of momentum for me.
Without them, this train stays in the station. Waiting for its fuel.
Fascinating movie to watch. 👀🍿🤗
And it’s why creating offers can be so much fun for me I think, to see what it’s time to turn my attention to next. Or not.
Let me say that plainer -
Essentially as Clarity (the program/project) gains actual clarity (lol I just made myself chuckle) … thanks in no small part to the earlybirds …🙌🏽
Offer creation IS the way through.
And since the bulk of the people I still personally guide at this point are Projectors [though the exceptions are starting to arrive I think, we wait and see…], it seems a good time to remind or open up a space for conversation now - or for later - to talk about what it means to find/be invited to/recognize when it comes to you, correct “work”.
And what “work” even means in the context of Doing Business as Yourself.
The first clarity comes with understanding how very different this can be depending on consistent or inconsistent access to sacral energy.
Let me explain -
Correct work for a Generator [sacral defined folks], brings satisfaction - it can be its own reward.
Simple enough it would seem, yeah?
It’s a puzzle that can be solved/noticed/responded to.
Sure there can be lots of societal messaging to decondition from - lots - and that’s addressable, especially with exposure to my original and most important Mentor Mark’s work.
[If you’ve already been through the Secret Beliefs training, you already begin to be deconditioned from this - deeply, like a virus … and I’m SO excited for you 😍😊🤗)
But the Generator, correct in themselves, finds its way (sometimes with guidance, sometimes not - doesn’t matter how) to the thing(s) that are theirs for doing, and they can go forward.
Easy? maybe, maybe not. But it can be simple.
Non-sacral folks? Projectors in particular?
Whole different dilemma.
Koen shared this Ra passage a few years back, just found it, like I find or re-find so many things.
Bumped into it on my way “somewhere else” :)
Funny coddiwomple life 🤭🤗❤️🍿
This is the bit that Koen emphasized at the time -
‘The non-Sacral being is here to know how to enjoy life’
The rest here is Ra - if you have anyone who is no -sacral in your life, understanding this could be game changing for all concerned.
For the non sacral folks, getting this can be life saving. Yes, it can be that big of a deal.
Now here’s Ra -
“One of the dilemmas that Projectors have, particularly Projector children who are raised incorrectly and all of the things that go with that, is not being able to see their proper place on the material plane.
I think one of the most difficult things for Projectors is to find their place on the material plane.
After all, we live on a planet that’s dominated by energy Types, and specifically by Generators.
Generators are here to work. This is what they’re here for. This is what that’s energy is all about. It becomes the dynamic theme of the way in which Generators brought Calvinism.
It’s the Generator frequency of working hard and being satisfied in your work and enjoying the rewards of your hard labor. And it’s really what has infected humanity.
That is, the rest of us who are not Generators—and I can include myself because I’m a Manifestor—Manifestors, Projectors and Reflectors have undefined Sacral Centers.
We incarnate onto the planet. We come out of the womb and there is already help wanted and job direction signals that are immediately placed in front of us.
And there is this incredible shock that goes through the Projector, Manifestor or Reflector when they actually enter into the world.
You come into the world with the assumption that you’re just going to slide along because that’s what it is to be non-Sacral. You’re here to just slide along. Life is very nice.
The non-Sacral being is here to know how to enjoy life.
The Sacral being is here to work. The work is the enjoyment. The work is the satisfaction.
But for the rest of us, the work is the burden. It’s a real burden.
The only thing about being a non-Sacral being and living on this planet is that we’re the ones that when we stand there at the altar of adulthood and we look out on that horizon of work, we go -
“Damn, really, I’ve got to do this? Not only do I have to do this, do I have to be paid so badly that I don’t have enough money to enjoy myself, and I’m here to enjoy myself?”
“And that they tell me the only way I’m going to enjoy myself is if I work more so I have more money for the eight minutes out of every day so that I can enjoy?”
This is the shock that comes to a non-Sacral being. It’s like, “Whoa, I didn’t come here to work.”
You didn’t come here to work. You didn’t come here to be a slave on the material plane.
You did not come here to be burdened by the ordeal of work; getting up in the morning, all of those horrendous things that you have to do.
Waiting for a paycheck, seeing that most of it has been taken by some government somewhere. This is a horror for a Projector.
If you could tune into what a Projector thought they thought they were going to get when they arrived here, it would look very different.
They would say, “I have three Generators; they work. And I’m going to sit here and I’m going to guide them in my wisdom so that they get real satisfaction out of their work and they’re going to pay me whatever I like.” … Because this is fundamentally what Projectors are all about.
You’re not here to put your shoulder to the wheel. This is Generator work; grind away and build things.
But then again, they have this very powerful motor that defines what they are. We don’t have that.
Projectors only have one thing that gives you that gateway to not being a slave. I used to joke that my job in this life was to free slaves. I was referring to Generators because they are the natural slaves.
But then of course, you have the super slaves; that’s you [non- sacral being].
This is the [notself] Projector world, super, super slaves, uber slaves.
The ultimate slaves are Projectors because you end up amplifying all that work, work, work. You’re conditioned to it.
You get locked into it and you spend your whole life exhausted.
Most Projectors get to the end of the day and it’s like, (sound of release).
“Can I have a break here? Can I have a really long break?”
And you’re too exhausted anyway, you end up going to sleep and wake up to the horror that you’ve got to do it all over again.
There is nothing more dangerous for Projectors than exhaustion. You’re not here to work. This is not what you’re about.
You’re here to think.
You’re here to see.
You’re here to express an Outer Authority that provides guidance.
You’re here to organize energy.
You’re here to guide energy.
And you’re here to get rewarded for that.
You’re not here to be the worker.”
Any questions?
Thoughts you’d like to share?
Rants you’d like to be rid of? 🙃🤗
Fears/ Secret Beliefs that your Mind uses -possibly relentlessly- to pressure you to interfere with your actual life?
Did you already take in the Secret Beliefs content?
Would love to hear more.
I dropped this into Planet Andrea Locals by mistake yesterday- it might be too weird for in here too - if I ever do an actual podcast for this,, might have to restart the numbers higher 😂
Anyway, here’s me waking up and talking mostly to myself yesterday morning 😜🙃
Maybe there’s a nugget or two 🤷🏻♀️ no promises though :)
AWA aka ‘Art With Andrea’, is one of the umbrella ideas I’m floating around with atm that cropped up as I’ve been going through the subscription box contemplation process. Even bought the domain.
This morning (as happens many mornings), I woke up with what felt like crystal clarity around how to possibly move forward with, I guess is, a Collective application (two of my channels are Collective - the conscious ones, number 3 is Tribal) of sharing the stuff that I do/ don’t do - today’s topic was art - and the way that I think about all that.
So that’s what this audio is about. The dots that connected in my head this morning in that ...
Thought this thread was fascinating - here’s the original comment thread:
While the email is just a waste of everyone’s time, the difference in approaches and having HD awareness now …
I’m reading the comments with that filter … undefined ego, defined ego (or healthy undefined ego), undefined solar plexus — are the top three that feel glaring to me.
Money is such an easy place to notice these things.
My guess is that the writer of the email is undefined ego and defined solar plexus… oh and also a projector 🤭
You have any takeaways?
Of course, I would do best to sleep on making any moves first if it were sent to me - because emotional Authority 🤓
This dude helped form part of my copywriting foundation both directly and through other people I learned from who learned from him -
“How can a letter riddled with typos make $24,000 from one Facebook post?
So one time Frank Kern posted to his Facebook that my Book of Secrets sales page (new at the time) was the best he'd read in a long, long time.
Yet, it was riddled with typos. OMG his Facebook blew up with people denouncing the letter. Whilst it sold $24,000 from his post, best as I can recall.
My Amazing Formula sales letter had typos I didn't fix for 3 years. I don't have all the numbers. But taking into account the back end, I'd imagine it sold a million or close to it in that time period.
My rule of thumb is that if it's raining money, don't touch it. You screw more stuff up by "fixing it" than you do leaving it alone.
My wife informs me the same rule of thumb doesn't apply round the house!
I'm not advocating typos. I advocate speed over perfection.
So yesterday an old friend made a comment that my post couldn't have been made by a.i.
Because. of. ...
Hahahaha, I just spotted this question in an art group and thought it was so appropriate for understanding ‘value’ at a foundation level.
I run into so many people who would happily eat up my day and be ever so thankful once they’re done. 🙄
Shocker they often also don’t consider/value their own time and energy either.
Of course there’s other important value to consider beyond this trading time thing … :)
The original post is in the screenshot below 👇🏽
And here’s one commenter - sounds like a bitter projector 😂
I asked ChatGPT for some tactful responses, and then I asked, "Now make them snarky." The snarky responses are much more fun, so I thought I'd share them here. Lol!
"Wow, it’s such an honor to be chosen as your free labor! Sadly, my bills don’t have the same level of admiration for me, so I’ll need to charge my regular rates."
"Oh, sure! Let me just check if the gas station will fill my tank for free because we’re such good friends. Spoiler ...